Crime Stoppers of Decatur & Macon County, Illinois

Report a Tip: 217-423-TIPS

About Officer Tucker Tool

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So far Officer Tucker Tool has created 157 blog entries.

Crime of the Week 11/6/23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.


At two separate times On October 29th, 2023 the Decatur Police responded to the 2100 block of E Roosevelt in reference to a shooting. 


In both instances’ officers arrived on scene and observed shell casings in this block.  In one instance officers observed a parked vehicle to have multiple bullet defects.  

Several individuals on scene were interviewed and had no suspect information. 

In one incident a neighbor observed a medium built b/m, wearing a brown jacket standing in the street holding a handgun.  This suspect fired numerous rounds and ran westbound from the scene.


If you have any information regarding these shootings, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-11-06T15:39:45-06:00November 6, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 10-30-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

In the early morning hours on October 5th, 2023 Decatur police were dispatched to Kurent Safety located at 3650 E William Street Rd. in reference to a burglary.   Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the owner of the business who advised an unknown suspect had entered his business through a window.  The suspect was seen on surveillance camera rummaging through various desks and removing an undisclosed amount of money from a cash register.


The suspect is a b/m, who was wearing a khaki colored sweater, black short sleeve t-shirt, gloves, dark colored shorts with a green strip along the sides, and blue crock styled sandals.


Pictures of the suspect can be observed below.


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-10-30T11:54:43-05:00October 30, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 10-16-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

On October 10th, 2023 Decatur Police were dispatched to JD Properties located at 145 E Decatur in reference to a previous burglary.  Officers arrived on scene and spoke to employees who advised an unknown individual stole a check from the drop box at this location.  


Officers viewed surveillance cameras which showed an individual approach the the business on October 9th at approximately 12:40 A.M. This suspect opened the liftable slot where he placed glue mouse traps down the chute.  The suspect used these mouse traps to retrieve checks or money orders from the drop box. 


This suspect appears to be a male wearing a red and black hoodie, with the hood pulled over his head and black colored flip flops that contain white writing.  The suspect was observed driving a dark colored SUV. 


Pictures of the suspect can be observed below.   


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-10-17T14:25:52-05:00October 17, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 10-9-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

On October 4th, 2023 at approximately 5:00 A.M. Decatur Police were dispatched to McDonalds located at 962 W Eldorado in reference to an aggravated robbery.  Officers arrived on scene and spoke to two employees who advised they were outside the business when they were approached by a w/f suspect who implied she had a firearm.  This suspect pushed something hard into the lower back of one of the employees and attempted to force them inside the building.  The employees realized the suspect wasn’t armed and she took off running N/B towards Cerro Gordo street. 


The W/F suspect was observed to be wearing a “black panther” mask and had a gray colored backpack. The suspect was wearing blue hooded sweatshirt with a red t-shirt underneath, dark colored pants, and black flip flops. 


Pictures of the suspect can be observed on Decatur Crime Stoppers website under the “crime of the week” tab.  (photos below).  


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-10-09T15:40:48-05:00October 9, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 9-25-23

The Decatur Police Department would like to remind its citizens to pay attention to their surroundings and not hang their purse on the back of a chair when out in public. 

On September 6th, 2022 a victim entered Panera Bread located at 255 E Ash Avenue and ate lunch.  The victim hung their purse on a back of chair while they ate.  After eating the victim observed numerous contents of their purse to be missing which included their credit cards.  A short time later one of the victim’s credit cards was used at a nearby Walmart. 


The three suspects who used the stolen card were observed on surveillance footage. Two suspects were black males who appear to be 50-60 years of age.  One was wearing a “Houston Texans” hat with a white colored polo shirt.  The other male suspect was wearing a dark blue hat, gray/blue colored jacket, and a light green colored polo. The third suspect was a black female who is wearing a tan colored ball cap and dark colored clothing. This female suspect is observed carrying a large cream-colored purse. 


A picture of the suspects can be observed below.  (photos below).  


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-09-25T09:54:41-05:00September 25, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 7-31-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

Over the past month the Impulse Vape and Glass Shop located at 145 S Oakland has been broken into on three separate occasions. During the early morning hours the suspect(s) forced entry to the business and removed an undisclosed amount of currency, along with thousands of dollars in merchandise.

The number of suspects in each burglary varied and they always wore facial coverings. The most recent burglary captured two suspects on surveillance camera, one of which didn’t have his face covered initially. This suspect appears to be a thin build b/m with a beard. The second suspect is a thin build unknown race male.

To view a photo of the suspects from this crime, please and click on the wanted faces tab. (23-6, & 23-7)

If you have any information regarding these crimes, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS. You do not have to give your name. Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week. Thank you.

2023-07-31T11:28:09-05:00July 31, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the week 7-17-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

In the early morning hours of May 2nd, 2023 Decatur Police responded to the 900 block of Sunup Ct. In reference to a stolen vehicle.  In addition, there were also several vehicles burglarized in this block. 


Surveillance footage was observed and showed the suspect to be a w/m walking through the neighborhood and checking for unlocked vehicles.  This suspect was wearing a black beanie hat, black coat, black pants, and white shoes. 

A picture of the suspect can be observed below.  A video of the incident is also posted to Decatur Police Departments Facebook page. 


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.

2023-07-17T11:50:33-05:00July 17, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the week 7-3-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.


On June 19th, 2023 at approximately 8:30 P.M. Decatur Police responded to Family Dollar located at 1315 N Water in reference to an armed robbery.  


The investigation revealed two suspects entered the business with one of them being armed with a handgun.  The two suspects walked behind the counter, struck an employee, and demanded money.  These suspects removed an undisclosed amount of money and left the business on foot running in a N/E direction. 


The first suspect who was armed with a handgun was a black male who had a white face covering.  This suspect was wearing a red long sleeved shirt which had a picture of “Marilyn Monroe” on front, black pants, and white shoes.  

The second suspect was a black male wearing a black mask who was dressed in all black clothing and black shoes.  Both suspects were wearing white colored gloves. (Photos Below) 


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.


2023-07-05T09:59:33-05:00July 5, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 6-5-23

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.


On May 26th, 2023 Decatur Police were made aware of an attempted theft to an ATM machine which occurred at Coffee Connection located at 2505 N Main Street. Officers arrived on scene and observed damaged to the door of the ATM consistent with pry marks.

Surveillance footage was observed and showed the suspects pulling up to the ATM on Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at 12:30 A.M.  The suspects arrived driving a gray colored 4 door sedan.  The suspects can be seen wearing mostly black colored clothing, masks, and blue surgical gloves. 

Both of the suspects prying on the ATM appear to be light skinned black males.  To view a photo of the suspects please go to and click on the wanted faces tab. (photos below)


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS.  You do not have to give your name.  Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week.  Thank you.


2023-06-05T10:12:04-05:00June 5, 2023|Crime of the Week|

Crime of the Week 5-22-23


 The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.


On May 4th, 2023 Decatur Police responded to Premier Auto Sales located at 1140 West Pershing in reference to a burglary. 


Officers arrived on scene and observed forced entry to the business.  Through the investigation it was determined during the early morning hours on this date two suspects forced entry to the business and stole several items which consisted of numerous car keys, dealer license plates, and a vehicle which was later recovered.   

A nearby surveillance camera captured the suspects on the lot.  The first suspect is wearing all black clothing with an unknown design on the left pant leg.  The second suspect is wearing a dark colored jacket with light colored pants. 


To view a photo of these suspects, please go to and click on the wanted faces tab (Picture 23-3).   


If you have any information regarding this crime, please call Crime Stoppers at 217-423-TIPS. You do not have to give your name. Crime Stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week. Thank you.

2023-05-22T11:44:42-05:00May 22, 2023|Crime of the Week|
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