The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week. This week’s crime of the week is in reference to an armed robbery that occurred at 2185 E. Wood, Apex Petroleum. The Decatur Police Department feels this armed robbery is in connection with armed robberies that occurred at Dollar General, 3797 E. Rt. 36 and Huck’s, 3595 Larkdale Ct.

On February 16, 2012, at 3:03 AM, officers responded to Apex Petroleum, 2185 E. Wood in reference to an armed robbery. Once on scene, officers spoke to an employee who advised a b/m entered the store, shopped around for a short time, then approached the checkout counter and produced a dark colored handgun demanding all the money. The employee complied with the suspect and turned over US Currency. The suspect then fled the business w/b on Wood St.

The suspect is described as a b/m, 508/100, wearing a dark colored heavy hooded coat with fur around the hood. The coat also had the word “Chicago” on the front and back of the coat. The suspect was also wearing a fisherman’s hat and white rimmed sunglasses. The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this crime.

If you have any information about this crime, please call crime stoppers at 423-TIPS. You do not have to give your name. Crime stoppers will pay $500 dollars for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week. Crime stoppers will also pay cash for information that leads to an arrest of any person responsible for a felony crime in Macon County.